You may not have a clue what oven crud is in which case this blogpost won't interest you. If, however, your oven needs some attention like mine, read on. Our lives have been a little upside down lately with my husband's serious heart attack and quintuple bypass surgery, my last child's wedding, and mother-in-law's health issues in play. Some of the household chores have been a little neglected. This needlepoint piece was done for me 20+ years ago by a family relative. As true as the saying may be, my oven situation had to be reckoned with. Of course, the cavity of the oven is way easier to clean… push a few buttons - but the oven racks, sigh. My oven manual says specifically to remove racks before setting oven on clean, but talk about gross. A friend's mother gave me an outstanding tip many years ago. In the bathtub place an old beach towel (to keep from scratching tub) and run hot water to cover racks, adding a couple of scoops of Cascade dish detergent. Let racks soak awhile. The oven crud will fall off. I also use SOS pads to once over the racks, but no scrubbing is necessary. The crud is loose and the racks clean up amazingly. Bring on the turkey and dressing! Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.