Waking up this morning I was reminded of my thankful quotient. I thought of two friends in particular who taught me how to text when my dad was dying in 2009. Then I thought about my youngest daughter who taught me how to use Facebook when I retired in 2010. Both of those vehicles were lifelines to me over the past 2 weeks as we were most often in areas of the hospital where "quiet" was required. If you have never read Ann Voscamp's "1000 Blessings," I would highly recommend it. A friend gave it to me about this time last year. As I am waking this morning, I am deeply struck by the magnitude of friends and family who have sustained us over these past 2 weeks. Pat and MaryBess, along with hundreds of others of you, have cared for us using these two modes plus old-fashioned phone calls and cards with scripture, giggles, well-wishes, signs on our home, balloons on the mailbox, mums and pumpkins and fall wreaths outside our home, fresh flowers in most every room, a cleaned out refrigerator with fresh food, newly planted grass watered, meals lined up until Thanksgiving... I could certainly list 1000 Blessings at this moment. And to be back in our own bed... suffice it to say that I don't even want to get out of it right now since it feels so good. Great is Thy faithfulness, Oh God my Father. Morning by morning new mercies I see...