Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kiss Konundrum

Do you have leftover seasonal Hershey kisses like I do? Don't let the delicious morsels go stale. Since Christmas season came before all of our autumn kisses were consumed, I had an overstock situation of gold, orange and brown foil-wrapped kisses. So I drew on a favorite peanut butter cookie recipe which can only be enhanced with the addition of chocolate. If you are on your January starvation plan, give the cookies away... someone you know may need cheering up with a little delivery. Or maybe it is someone's birthday - I would love these for a gift! This recipe is a cherished one which a longtime cookfriend baked when we were mere teenagers. I have not altered one thing about the ingredients, and I never make less than the 4 times quantity since they store beautifully in zip bags in the freezer (not with the kisses, though). Truly the perfect peanut butter cookie.

Peanut Butter Cookies

                                                          recipe x4
1/2 cup butter                                     2c
1/2 cup peanut butter                          2c
1/2 cup sugar                                       2c
1/2 cup brown sugar                             2c
1 egg                                                   4
1 tsp. vanilla                                        1 Tbsp.
1 1/4 cups self-rise flour                       5c

1. Combine & scoop with 1" cookie scoop, flatten slightly with a fork or my personal favorite, the Pampered Chef wooden tart shaper which has been dipped in sugar. Bake 375° 10-12 minutes.
2. Amounts to the right are for large batch.           
Notes from 11/5/10: Baked with seasonal M&Ms which did great. Made 45 XL cookies (4" diameter) using my large scoop (1/4 cup batter per cookie). Baked 13 min. & left on cookie sheet several minutes to cool and set up.           
3. Great cookie to add leftover seasonal Hershey kisses. Bake cookies, then immediately press on kiss while cooling on cookie sheet.                                                                                                                                                           

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