Thursday, November 8, 2012

Painless (literally) Croutons

Have you ever bitten into some of those store-bought croutons and thought you might have cracked a tooth? Sigh. THAT was an expensive salad. Years ago a cookfriend shared a delightful tip with me. Make your own croutons with leftover hot dog buns. This shape is good because 2 length-wise cuts, then small crosscuts will yield nice cubes. Dump cubes into large bowl, add a good dose of olive oil, seasoning salt, garlic, pepper, and Parmesan cheese if you like. Toss gently but thoroughly. Bake in single layer 350° for 15 minutes. Cool, then store in ziplocs. Will keep for several days. These are even good served as is in a pretty bowl for nibbling. They are both soft AND crunchy. A great addition to any salad. Any still not eaten? Crush again in ziploc bag to top your favorite casserole. Now that's a lot of uses for the lonely leftover hot dog bun.

1 comment:

  1. I've done this many times since you showed me several years ago, but I never thought about making crumbs out of them. I bet they would freeze that way. What do you think of then adding them to thanksgiving dressing?
