Sunday, August 21, 2011

Something's Borrowed, Someone's Blue

Have you ever loaned something to someone and then never seen it again? It isn't that the person really stole it. It is simply put out of sight and forgotten about in the hustle and bustle of cleaning up after an event, often times  not by the borrower herself but by a helper... a husband, another hostesss, etc. Once the item is out of sight, the borrower generally goes back to normal life... the job, the yardwork, the next meal, children's ballgames and art lessons. Even putting your name on things does not guarantee borrowed items will arrive back home. A cookfriend of 34 years taught me something that I would like to pass on to you. She makes a written note in her "daytimer" when she has loaned something to someone because her experience was, like many of us, the item was not missed until she went to use it and could not find it. Too much time had passed to be able to recall to whom the item was loaned. I do not carry a daytimer anymore so I make a note on my calendar on the week after the borrower's event to begin looking for it. Worst case scenario, I initiate contact with the borrower to get item off my list and back where it belongs. Everyone is busy but we are all called to be good stewards of our resources. Do not feel bad creating a way of remembering to retrieve items for yourself! And, by the way, when you need to borrow something, what is the appropriate time to return it? Let's just say, if the owner has to contact you for it, it is late. Return items to people in a timely fashion as you would like your items returned to you... and in excellent condition.

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